Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Welcome To Fort Lauderdale...!

Good evening my friends!

Some of you might recognise the familiar skyline of the picture up above...I do, since that is the skyline of the city I've been calling "home" for the past three years.

Hap and I mutually agreed that since we were so close to Fort Lauderdale, it didn't make any sense to stop in other places for another few days when we both knew we were only going to hit clouds and rain.
We're certainly think about resuming the last part of the journey with a side trip to start at a later date, but I absolutely want to get back on the west coast once the weather will get better, and "close the circle", to be able to put the word "END" to this travel journal and this wonderful experience.

The drive from Gainesville to Fort Lauderdale has been safe and uneventful.

I've been paying a lot of attention to the weather warnings and reports on the web, to be informed of TS Fay path.

We came all the way down I-75 through Alligator Alley and only had a light rain for about 30 minutes on our 6 hours plus trip.

The rest has been a mix of clouds and sunshine

The next picture was taken on I-75 (Alligator Alley) eastbound with the camera facing North.

I know it is just my sick mind, more like my imagination than anything else, but don't the clouds looke like part of a bigger ring? LOL

Traffic in Fort Lauderdale was still a little heavy to to the end of rush hour, but not a problem at all. It all went pretty smooth I would say.

It's good to be back home, now I need to write a final post with some other stats about the mileage, gas tanks, etc., and then just wait for the famous side trip.

Stay tuned, it is not over yet! ;-)

It's been a wonderful journey, with a wonderful travel companion, I couldn't have asked for a better person to live this experience with: THANK YOU HAP from the bottom of my heart!

And now once again, time to go to bed, another day is over, another one has just begun...

Good night my friends,


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