Friday, June 27, 2008

Kissed "The Brickyard"? Not Quite!

Good evening fellas,

It's been another wonderful day...

We woke up this morning to a great sunshine, which certainly help in this situations we're in. The "Brickyard" was only 12 miles away from our hotel in the outskirts of Indianapolis, IN, and I couldn't wait to get there.

The speedway has an International Hall Of Fame that people can visit for just $3, and for an additional $3, they offer a lap around the speedway in one of their minivans.

To my deepest sadness, as soon as we got inside the Hall Of Fame (where you can purchase both tickets), I read a sign advising visitors that today, due to "Brickyard maintenance", there were no minivans riding on the brickyard.

I almost fell down, and it took me basically a good 15 minutes to metabolize the fact that today I was NOT going to kiss the three feet line of bricks.

The Hall Of Fame on the other hand certainly made up for my disappointment. The cars on display are absolutely amazing, several different ones have won in their years the Indy 500.

They also have some Formula 1 cars (with which I'm certainly more familiar), and another area with really old but absolutely awesome cars. Every car has a specific tag with a brief description, which makes it easier for the visitor to identify with the car itself.

The Hall Of Fame also have a small theater that they use to project a 20 minutes video who takes the viewer into the backstage of the speedway, with the history of the brickyard and the people who made it famous. I strongly suggest to anybody coming to visit the museum, to watch the video FIRST and then walk around, they will surely appreciate what they see a little more because of what they would know already.

After the visit at "The Brickyard" we decided to skip the visit at the NCAA Hall Of Fame, and go straight to Chicago, which turned out to be the right thing to do.

Chicago is a three hours drive by car, a little bit more than that today, because of road construction. If you're coming from the south, once I-65 ends, because of the constructions, I suggest you get on I-90, which is the Toll Road. The skyway is so much better to get into the city.

We're now in Chicago, hot and humid, but the city is very nice, it has a NYC kind of feeling, really cosmopolitan, another big melting pot. We had drinks at a local bar and then wen to dinner with our friend Larry from Fort Lauderdale who is also our hosts for a few days.

Tomorrow we have no definite plans, it really all depends on the weather, we have some good alternatives depending if it's going to be sunny or not, hopefully it'll be nice and we can enjoy the outdoor and the parks.

That's all from the windy city, beautiful evening to go out,

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