Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I feel like Mr. Vanderbilt!

We did it, we went to the Biltmore Estate.

Rainy, cr*ppy day today, too bad because I’m sure Asheville would have deserved something better than just a 3 hours tour of the Biltmore.

The ticket to get in the property is VERY expensive ($47 for me and $39 for Hap), but trust me, it is worth it! The “house” has 250 rooms, it works like any other regular museum you might go visit, you either pay for one of those self guided tours (with the headsets), you have a tour guide, or you just walk around on your own. We picked the third option (Duh!), but we had a booklet they give you with the tickets, helping us with a brief description of the rooms we were looking at.
This is part of the INDOOR garden at the entrance of the house.

The place is really HUGE, with finished basement (another duh!) where guess what they have? An indoor swimming pool (wide and deep enough to put the Beluga we saw in Atlanta! LOL), and a bowling alley! I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw it, it’s amazing what they did, and what they had at that time (1895).
This is the Greenhouse

I’m sorry I couldn’t take any picture on the inside, but that was the rule, and I had to stand by it.

After we left the house we went wine tasting! We had five small glasses of wine they make at the local winery inside the estate, it was good but pricey, and besides that, the car is already FULL!!! LOL

After we left The Biltmore Estate we headed south east where we presently are in downtown Charlotte, which is also home of the Johnson & Wales University – Charlotte Campus.

Still cold and wet here, hopefully tomorrow it’ll be better. All right, need to find a nice place where to have dinner now.

Talk to you later,

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