Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pronti, Partenza, Via! (Ready, Set, Go!)

Here we go! Ready to rock and roll! ;-)

The Odometer indicates 19,547 miles.

I have estimated that when we will be done at the end of this journey, we would have probably added another 12,000 miles, which in Kilometers comes to about 19,000!

The car is packed, squeaky clean, and ready to go.

The itinerary is still a work in progress, but the first leg of the trip is all set, first stop this afternoon in Saint Augustine, FL.

This is probably the only day where more than 300 miles are going to be driven, as we're not planning on staying on the road for more than 2 hours a day, at least on the East Coast where there's certainly a lot to see.

Daytona Beach and its speedway is also on our program, I'm planning to take an awful lot of pictures, you guys get ready! ;-)

Talk to you later.


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