Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Different Island...

When someone ask me to describe what I picture when they say "Island", all I can think of is white sandy beaches, crystal clear water, and a lot of palm trees while I sip fresh coconut milk listening to the wonderful sound of the ocean.

Well, today we went to Bainbridge Island here in Washington State, about a 40 minutes ferry ride from the "main land" (Seattle, WA!), and although I haven't quite found what I was looking for (not that I was looking for anything special other than those plam trees...! LOL), I think I found another little section of paradise.

The ferry ride was very nice, a little bit windy out on the deck (it was getting chilly), but definitely worth staying outside to take some pictures of the beautiful Seattle skyline with the Space Needle on the northwestern side.

Our friend Don have one of his favorite restaurants on the island, and he wanted us to try it; too bad that when we got there, the restaurant was actually closed! What a bummer...

But that didn't discourage us, we went across the street and had lunch at this beautiful restaurant, with a nice decor, reasonable prices, and great food, what more could you ask for?!?!

After lunch we went for a ride around the island, until we reached what we though is the northernmost point at Port Madison, where Chris and Don have been brave enough to touch the water with their fingers while some "natives" were happily bathing nearby.

We got back to the pier just in time to catch the mid afternoon ferry that took us back to Seattle in another 40 minutes.

We then decided to go to Pike Place Market, because when you visit Seattle, you HAVE TO go there to see the "Pike Place Fish Market" where fish instead of being passed hand by hand is literally thrown to the guy who will prepare it for its sale.

Another market's attraction is "Rachel", the piggy bank located just some feet away from the fish market, that collects on average, something like $9,000 a year in all sorts of different currencies.

But what I was really looking for was the first "Starbucks" ever opened in the history of Starbucks so that I can say once again "Been there, done that!!!".

They sell exactly the same things I believe, but the difference is in the sign outside the door, the same very first sign that they have when they opened in 1971 with the bare-breasted siren.

I left the market happy and satisfied for how the day has gone/

Tomorrow we leave for our trip down the west coast who should take us to San Diego by the beginning of August. We're planning on driving as much as we can on the Pacific Coast Highway 101 with the top down, looking at the Pacific Ocean, I'm sure it's going to be a fantastic experience.

Good night from Microsoft land,


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