Wednesday, July 9, 2008

May I Have Some Idaho Potatoes?

Good Evening Folks!

This evening I'm writing you from Boise, ID, in a very hot summer night.

Today has been a driving day, no regrets about that as it was in our plan, and we thoroughly enjoyed it.

We left the hotel in Salt Lake City, UT, around 11AM, put the top down, loaded the car, and headed west on I-80 towards Reno (as the pictures would show), but really towards Wells, NV where we hooked a right onto US93 to Twin Falls.

This has been another beautiful day weather wise, we couldn't have asked for a better day, very few clouds in the sky, and a nice breeze that helped make the air more "breathable".
After roughly 110 miles from our starting point, we hit the most important spot of the day, the "Bonneville Salt Flats", at the edge of the state boundary between Utah and Nevada.

The Salt Flats are irresistibly attractive, so much so, that I had to pull over, stop the car and take some pictures even before I actually realised that further away on I-80 there would have been a rest area where people can easily stop and walk on the salty surface.

This is one of the "illegal" pictures (just because there's a road sign telling people to only stop in case of emergency):

Once we arrived at the rest area, I've been able to take some more shots of the "flats", and another picture of myself, to be able to say: "YES, I made it, I've been here, where all the speed records are challenged, I've seen one more thing with my own eyes". It is such a privilege to be on this trip, seriously, I recognize that, and try to enjoy every minute to the fullest; every yard, every mile that I drive, is something new, something I had never seen before, and I'm living this adventure with this very same attitude.

Here's another good shot:

Soon after we passed Andover, UT, we crossed the border with Nevada, and there I was, receiving another "Baptism of Confederate States", another stick pin to put on my imaginary map of the United States.

Here's the road sign welcoming us to Nevada:

But we all know that to see Nevada there is still plenty of time, right now we're heading north, on US93, that's the plan! One funny thing I should mention is that we crossed, if only for an hour or so, the imaginary line between Mountain and Pacific time, and therefore, for an hour we've been in a sort of limbo floating between 2 and 3PM. The reason for that is due to the fact that Nevada uses Pacific Time while Idaho does not, and therefore, when we crossed back into Idaho, our phones automatically went back to Mountain time.

As I mention, we crossed the border between Nevada and Idaho after roughly another 100 miles. I remember clearly the last small town in Nevada was "Jackpot" which really impressed me because of the amount of Casino for such a small strip of land! Oh well, it's Nevada after all!

Here's the road sign marking the border between Nevada and Idaho, going north on US93:

We're here in Boise, ID for the night, we went out to dinner, and the impression I got is that the downtown area gets totally emptied out after the businesses close down for the evening.

Tomorrow we're planning on visiting the "Old Idaho Penitentiary". It should be fun, especially for me, because I've never set foot in any prison or jail.

I'll tell you more about it tomorrow evening, now I go to bed.

Good night from "the valley",


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