Sunday, July 13, 2008

Double Espresso Latte Caramel Frappuccino

Good Evening Coffee Lovers!

You know where we are at the present time, don't you?

Who said that? Yes, right, we're in Seattle, WA, land of ten thousand coffee places!

We left Portland, OR this morning after some unsuccessful tentatives to upload pictures into the three posts I still had to work on from our previous stops along the way.

At 11AM after getting frustrated we just left the hotel (it was also "check-out now or you pay another day" time, and so we just left).

Our hotel was right on the Interstate, we stopped at a coffee shop where I got my Caramel Macchiato Latte, and then off we went, heading north towards Washington State.

It didn't take that much to cross the border who's only "a bridge" away. That's how close Portland is to the border with Washington, so close that I wasn't even ready to snap a picture of the road sign welcoming us into this new state, and I therefore got a not so nice shot.

The 190 miles, three hour drive to Seattle has been pleasant and uneventful.

On our right we had a magnificent view of Mount St. Helens first (the one that erupted in 1980) and Mt Rainier after, both snow capped, and both beautiful in their majestically impressiveness.

We stopped for lunch at a Asian joint half way through, and then went back in the car to drive the last 80 miles to Seattle.

My first impression of Seattle, is one of a clean city. It resembles a little bit like San Francisco (not that I've been there.....YET!), only because it sits on hills, and the downtown area is a continuous up and down. It's hard to imagine how the city can cope with the cold weather in the winter, when for example it snows.

We're spending the next few days here in Seattle at our friend Don's place.

He's a friend from Florida who is actually out of town at the present time, but that agreed on letting us use his place even when he's gone, now, that's TRUE hospitality.

This afternoon we met with Chris, another friend we know from Florida.

He lives here all year round and work for Microsoft.

He gave us a tour of the main campus, showed us his office, and the buildings around where he works, in a few words, he played tour guide with us, and I must admit I really enjoyed it!

The three of us then went out to dinner at a very upscaled (read worth a 100 miles drive) restaurant in downtown Bellevue called "Maggiano's", where I had two pints of my favorite Hefeweizen (Wheat beer), and a huge Italian Style salad.

Overall we had a very nice day, and superb evening, considering we've been able to catch up with Chris after probably a million years since we last saw each other.

From CoffeeColatta city is all,


aladinsane said...

Turn a chesa Lessi!

Nikkosan said...

Ci vediamo in Florida quest'inverno? ;-)

Un'altra bella passata di crema di limone fatta in casa e salsiccia non ve la toglie nessuno!

Un abbraccio, e salutami Rimini,