Tuesday, July 29, 2008

There Is Always A First Time…

Good Evening!

I didn’t finish telling you yesterday about how this trip has been so far full of unexpected, pleasant and unpleasant surprises, that this morning we had a new one!

It won’t probably be the last since we still have a long way to go before coming back home to Fort Lauderdale, FL.

For those of you concerned about the “License Plate” situation (Oh yes, I know you are! LOL), we went to the “San Diego Police Department – West Division” this morning at around 11.30AM, after calling them earlier in the morning to ask what the procedure was to have a police report issued on the matter.

Well, apparently the SDPD is very busy, so they just give you an incident number that you can mention to any Police Officer if you get pulled over on the road, but nothing more than that. Then someone eventually calls you, and you have to go to the nearest station to get an official document.

We don’t have that kind of time, and that’s why we decided to push it and see if we could get it issued today.

The Police Officer helping us couldn’t have been more helpful, she prepared the Police Report for us, so that we could fax it to the other nice lady we’ve been dealing with back in Florida.

It is at that point, while the officer was writing the report, that I felt something strange that I had never felt before in my life. The lady was behind a wooden desk that started shaking, and at that point I thought it was because of me leaning towards the desk with all my bodyweight!

I don’t know how to explain it, but at that point I raised my elbows from the desk and I looked at the lady with a blank expression, not knowing what was going on. She looked back at me saying: “It might be an earthquake!”. I thought she was just pulling my leg, as we’ve been kind of kidding around all the time while she was writing the report.
This is a picture I downloaded from the Internet:

At that point, the desk had almost stopped shacking, and that’s when I glanced outside, still not believing what my senses were trying to tell me, and I saw one of the big vases blocking the entrance (there were three vases positioned like a triangle who have been put there for security reasons so that people can’t get into the Police Department with a car), and I when I say big, I want to emphasize the word “BIG”, that was sort of oscillating as if there was a strong wind outside.

You might think at that point I finally realized what was going on, but I didn’t, and neither did Hap, who by the way, had never been in an earthquake before either!

It is not after we arrived at the hotel, and I checked the news on my PDA, that I found out Los Angeles had been hit by an earthquake who could also be felt in San Diego and Las Vegas! I ran inside the lobby like a kid would run inside a candy store after not eating for a few days, and I told him: “It was an earthquake!”. The lady at the front desk confirmed, and for a moment I thought that was the coolest thing!

You have to excuse me, but I’m really thrilled…! Now I can save the money and avoid going to Universal Studios Los Angeles to experience their “Earthquake simulation”!

After checking in at the Sheraton here in San Diego, we went for lunch with our two friends from Palm Beach, Steve and JR at a very nice Mexican restaurant in Old Town San Diego, with pictures of Bill Clinton on the walls.

The restaurant was pretty good, we had a few beers (they had Pyramid Hefeweizen), a lot of chips, salsa, and guacamole, and then I ordered a Beef Taco/Cheese Enchilada combination, while Hap got a giant soup with homemade (right there in front of you from scratch) flour tortillas.

That was around 1.30PM, it is now almost midnight, and we still feel like we had it 20 minutes ago, that’s why we decided to skip dinner for tonight.

We went back to the hotel around 5PM, I spent some time reorganizing our sightseeing and schedule for the trip, and then took an Italian nap (two and a half ours).

We went out for a ride around 9PM to downtown San Diego, where the PetCo Ball Park was all lit up for a ball game (I wonder who won!), and then got on the Coronado Bridge to get to Coronado Island, and snap some pictures of the San Diego nocturnal skyline.

Coronado looked like a nice place, we’re certainly thinking about going back tomorrow or the day after for some more sightseeing and for visiting the famous Hotel Coronado.

We then went back to San Diego Downtown, to look for the pier where the USS Midway is located. It doesn’t take that much to find it as the Aircraft Carrier is all lit up like a Christmas Tree on Christmas Eve.

A picture of USS Midway from Coronado Island:

The weather has been very pleasant so far, a little overcast this morning, but certainly nothing to complain about, as long as it doesn’t rain.

On our “things to do and see list”, other than the above mentioned places, we also have the San Diego Zoo, who should be one of the best in the USA if not the world, one the Franciscan missions, up on top of a hill close to Hillcrest, Balboa Park, and the Museum of Photographic Arts.

All right, time to call it a day, to be exact, our 62nd day on the road fellows!


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