Monday, July 28, 2008

We Got New Tires!

Good Evening Gentlemen!

Here we are again, after another day of traveling, that just like any other day we spent on the road, had some unexpected surprises waiting for us.

We took it really easy this morning as we woke up late, had breakfast, and hung around at the house with Frank and Bob for the last time before leaving.

America’s Tire Company called around 1PM to tell us the tires we ordered on Friday for the car had just arrived, which was certainly a good news.

We decided to spend some more time with our hosts (who have been wonderful from day one, but then again, that didn’t come as a surprise for us), and so we headed to the Indian Spa and Casino in downtown Palm Springs to have lunch together.

After sharing some more stories, and some good, healthy laughs, we thanked them for the wonderful hospitality, and headed back on the road to go to Indio and get this new tires mounted before it was too late to get to San Diego by dinner time.

We left the store at around 4.45PM and arrived in San Diego, CA around 7PM.

And here comes the surprise, which is at the same time hilarious and upsetting, at least for me it is!

We’re staying with our two friends Steve and JR for the night, until we get our room package tomorrow at the Sheraton, and so, to make a long story short, being the good hosts they are, they came out of the house to greet us!

Well, Steve really liked the car and started getting around it to look at all the features, and the head space on the inside, and then all of a sudden he asked us: “What happened to your plate?!?!”. Since I thought he remembered the fact that I did have a vanity plate at one point, Hap started telling him the story about how we had the plate stolen somewhere between Wisconsin and Minnesota, and he kept going on and on, and that’s when I glanced down and I saw what I had seen already roughly 20 something days ago: we had NO plate!

I was probably the only one who wasn’t laughing; maybe because I knew already what we went through to get this one, and what we will go through to get another one?

So, here we are, back to square one, once again without a license plate (and yes, it is a big deal!), and with more than 5,000 miles before we get back to Florida.

So tomorrow morning instead of enjoying the city and the beautiful weather, we will be going to the San Diego Police Department, wait in line to have someone write the report, talk to the lady back in Florida to see what she can do to issue a new plate, try to figure out where we’re going to be and when, and then maybe if I’m not too upset, or even too tired, actually see some of what the city has to offer.

Goodnight folks, it sure isn’t boring out here! LOL

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