Saturday, July 26, 2008

Just Chillin'...

Good evening everybody!

We had quite a relaxing day today, and you know what, I really needed it!

For a day, I didn't have to think about anything to do, places to visit, or roads to drive on. You know, it takes a lot of work to be a tourist, and who thinks it is quite the opposite, well, he's a fool!

Bob and Frank took us to the Casino this morning for breakfast. You can't beat that deal, $5.99 for a high class buffet that wouldn't leave anybody hungry! :-)

Unfortunately, you know how Italians are, we're not used to all those sausages, bacon, eggs, etc. for breakfast, and therefore, I just had some Belgian waffles with some strawberries syrup, and some chocolate and vanilla ice cream on the side. It was more than enough for me!

We plan on going back on Monday and have lunch there, I'm sure it is going to be another great deal. As we were walking out, I glanced at the food ready to be served, and wow, I wouldn't have got any problem to eat the whole thing! :-)

After we finished breakfast, Frank and Bob have been so nice (Thank YOU guys), to take us out on a "VIP Real Estate" sightseeing tour. It was quite interesting, although most of the names were totally new for me; I guess that's the price I have to be for being a foreigner in this country!

However, some of the names did ring a bell, like for instance, Elizabeth Taylor, Cary Grant, Madonna, Valentino (Rudolph), etc.

It's been real hot today, and so, after we finished with the tour, we just went back home, and I took advantage of the situation to get some exercise (mostly crunches for my deflated tummy! LOL), write some Emails to friends, and yes, take a nap (a luxury I haven't been able to afford in the past 59 days!).

Tomorrow is going to be another lazy day here in the desert, because here right now is more about the nightlife rather than anything else...

It's kind of late as usual, I should better go to bed and get my beauty sleep as usual.

Good night my friends,

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