Sunday, June 29, 2008

Chilling Out In Chicago, IL!

Today has been pretty quiet for us here in Chicago.
We did nothing special, other than a visit late this morning to the "Pullman Historical District", quite a landmark here in Chicago for the true conoisseurs of the windy city.

They have a nice green stone church, a visitor center, and the "Hotel Florence" (who needs a lot of restoration work I have to say). It is all run by volunteers who do a great job, it felt good to go there and be able with a small donation to be part of this ambitious restoration process.

After that, we were thinking about one of the river cruises with architectural tour, but the weather didn't cooperate. It's been sunny all morning, very hot, and then all of a sudden it got overcast and at one point it also rained.
One of the coolest buildings in Chicago (in my opinion obviously!):

Tomorrow we're leaving Chicago and driving further north to Milwaukee, WI.

On our schedule we have tours of local breweries (Miller Brewing Co. and Lakefront Brewery), can't wait to get drunk, I mean, taste their specialty beers!
Milwaukee also have their annual Summerfest going on at the lakefront, but I doubt we will spend any time there as I'm not really keen on going to places where a lot of people are already. (Same reason why we didn't stop at Taste of Chicago here this weekend).
Short post tonight, I'm sure a lot of you are happy about that! LOL
Good night folks,

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