Sunday, June 1, 2008

DC Is Always DC...

I've been to DC so many times, and I've always loved it. There's nothing to do about it, DC is always DC.

Today I've seen a Washington I had never seen before, mainly because of my being against doing "touristy things".

As I told you yesterday, we visited three museums today, the Holocaust, the Air and Space, and the Natural History. We left the house at 10AM and we only got back around 5.30PM. It's been exhausting but very fulfilling, I'm very happy we did it.
The Holocaust Museum:

The Air & Space Museum:

The Museum of Natural History:

Tonight we had Mexican food, I love it, although I know that the Mexican food we have here in the US is very different from the REAL one the have in Mexico; and then, Mexico is such a big country anyway, how can we call something Mexican, when even in Italy we have so many regional dishes! I'm sure you know what I mean. We had a good time, food was good, and service was even better, the only problem was that they obviously had a problem with the kitchen today as we probably waited 90 minutes to get our food! LOL Thank God we had four pitchers (for six people) of Margarita to help us wait our food, and thank even more to the restaurant who didn't charge us anything for our drinks to balance with the wait.

Tomorrow we're leaving DC heading north to Philadelphia, PA, another city we've been to many times already. But before we do that, we're going to visit the Arlington National Cemetery to pay our respect to all of the people buried there, and through them to all of the people who gave their lives in the wars we fought; afterwards we'll be going to the other Air and Space Museum in Chantilly, VA, and the subsequently head north to Philadelphia. We have big plans for the next few days, keep tuned to know the latest about the trip.

Peace everybody!

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