Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Hope, PA - We "Landed"!

It’s been quite an easy day today.

Woke up early (early is relative to your sleeping habits in this case) in the morning, to a great sunny day. Bob, our host, was kind enough to give us a free parking pass to leave the car where it was parked outside of his place in Society Hill, and for a moment I felt like I was living a real life “Monopoly” situation! LOL Knowing that the car issues was taken care of, all we had to do was have breakfast (loved my South Beach Diet Protein Bar, and my Orange Juice), and go out clothes hunting! I needed a new pair (well, to be honest more than just one) of slacks, so we went to H&M, where, for the first time in my life I set a new record: I walked out of the store with purchasing anything. I can’t believe how commercial they got, and where their prices have gone, basically through the roof! I still remember the old days 6 or 7 years ago in central London on my “shopping weekend” getaways when I used to go visit my dear friend Andrea, and at the same time go to H&M in Oxford Circus to buy clothes! Jeans for $29.90 when in Italy I would have probably paid no less than $180!

Anyway, other than the big disappointment from my favorite store, the day went by pretty fast and in the nicest possible way.

I need to thank Bob for his hospitality, letting us stay at his “urban castle” in Society Hill is always quite an experience; not to mention that the story he has to tell combined with his culture and experience make it for an even more enjoyable situation.

Another view of the house:

We left Philadelphia, PA around 2PM heading north on I95 towards Doylestown, PA where Fran (Hap’s brother) and Lynn (Hap’s sister-in-law) live. They have a great place in a very nice neighborhood, a nice house with a fantastic outside area, pool entertainment included. Together we went to have drinks at some other friends house, Kitty and Jackie’s place. They also have a magnificent house, and let me tell you, their backyard screams “Let’s Get This Party Started” all the time…! LOLWe went together to a very nice restaurant called “The Landing” in New Hope, PA, where we had a good time all together, and experienced some good food. I seemed to have some problems with the cooking time of my burger, but that’s another story, you all know how fussy I can get! LOL (I’m actually kidding, about me being fussy, that is, but they really screwed up my burger big time, the first time it came VERY well done, I sent it back with the waiter totally agreeing with me, and the second time, when one would think they would get it right, well, I basically got it the same way! LOL).

On the way to the restaurant, being the Italian I am (LOL), I’ve been told about the fact that there was a chance of encountering “Bambis” (Deer) on our way to the restaurant. You can imagine how thrilled I was considering that from where I come from they’re almost extinct. We didn’t see any in the daylight, but we did manage to see two on our way back home on the grass next to the road, they’re nice animals.

I still can’t find the words to say how much I appreciate Lynn and Fran hosting us for this evening and making us feel like home, there really are NO words to say how much I appreciate their attitude and what they’re doing, so there you go, thank you Fran & Lynn for your hospitality.

Tomorrow we're off to "the North", planning on leaving Philadelphia around 10AM and going through NYC, more specifically Manhattan, with the main goal of taking a picture of the "bug" in Times Square! LOL Hope we can make it...

We'll certainly have the top down so that we can take video and pictures of the vertical city; just remember, sky's the limit, at least in the city! After NYC we plan on either going to Orient Point, NY on Long Island, and from there get on the ferry boat to Connecticut, or most probably drive around Manhattan, go through the Brooklyn Bridge, and then up to Connecticut where we're planning on spending the night before getting to Rhode Island on Thursday.

Good night,

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