Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Top Up, Top Down? Lord, give us a break!

I knew we were not going to start the right way this morning, as soon as I got up. An unwelcoming grey sky winked at me as I opened the bedroom window. Damn, I said, today we were supposed to take a tour of the city with our friend Chris, and we wanted to do that with the top down!

Oh well, I’m happy to say that we did it, at least part of it! Chris is certainly a good friend of Bob, our friend that we just visited up in Vermont, they both lack a temperature sensor for both cold and hot climates! It was cold and rainy, Hap had a blanket in the backseat, and I don’t certainly blame him, but we did have a great time with Chris.

He’s been a wonderful tour guide, giving us the chance to see many things that I’m sure all by ourselves it would have been difficult to see.

He drove the bug around Montreal, showing us churches such as Notre Dame, and St. Joseph, neighborhoods such as Little Italy, Chinatown, and the Mexican Main Street, a very upscale neighborhood up on Mont Royale, and finally he treated us to lunch at the Café International in what I believe was the main street in Little Italy.

A few words about Little Italy, it looked pretty authentic to me, we visited a local grocery shop, they all spoke Italian, and on the shelves, 80% of the products they had were actually original Italian goods that we do have in Italy!

So, thank you Chris for taking us out this morning and early afternoon, I appreciate it!

The rest of the evening has been dedicate to the visit of the MACM (Musée d'Art Contemporain de Montréal), the lady at the information center yesterday told me that the museum would have been for free today after 6PM, and it was!

We really enjoyed the museum, a lot of local artists from Quebec, but still, after having been at the Tate Modern Gallery in London, any other comparable museum falls short.

After we finished visiting the MACM, we had a nice surprise waiting for us outside, the sun was out! ;-) We hopped back in the car, put the top down, and drove back to the top of Mont Royale to have a nice view of the city at sunset.

Mission accomplished, got some nice shots of the river and Pont Champlain, the “observatoire” was really crowded, included a guy blasting his car sound system, what a j**k!

Tomorrow we’re going to “walk” the city, visit churches, museums, and have some REAL authentic Quebec cuisine hopefully in the old city.

C’est ça mes amis.

À Bientôt,

Le petit Nicolás!

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